Staying relevant in the voice over industry is something you need to work at every day with the assignments for which you are entrusted, as well as the marketing of your voice to those wishing to reach a particular audience. Iris Fields has purposely put the focus of her voice over career on reaching a senior demographic. With the Baby Boomer generation estimated at more than 71 million men and women, creative directors need to maintain longevity in voice over to stay competitive in an ever-evolving industry. Not only do you need to be a viable voice over candidate for businesses, but you have to live that message to be successful. Even if you are a senior, it’s more than just age.
Loving Your Wiser Self
It’s no secret that the key to longevity is taking care of yourself. Enjoying a healthy diet, exercising, and maintaining a sense of humor are sure-fire ways to live life to its fullest, regardless of age. But even more than food and fun, it’s important to love yourself. As we mature, the realization becomes clear—real happiness is derived from within.
To truly be ourselves, it’s important to draw from our years of experience and how we’ve lived our lives. As a Realtor for more than 40 years, Iris Fields found that her passion for helping people gave her overwhelming joy. The look on the face of a new homeowner can be priceless and knowing she was a part of making that dream come true was daily motivation. Her hard work, determination, and compassion led to trust and credibility, two traits that help Iris enjoy a successful voice over career today.
Sustaining Longevity in Voice Over
Another way to be true to yourself as you age is not fighting Mother Nature. While you may not be able to reverse time, you can do some things to make your golden years even brighter. Exercise and a healthy diet help ward off sickness and increase mobility. It’s also important to keep your friends close. Friendship goes a long way in successfully navigating through life.
In a column published by AARP titled “10 Good Things About Getting Older” by Alexandra Rosas is a list of things she likes about aging, including being kinder to herself. Iris Fields adds that what she loves about longevity is her newly found voice over career. By embracing your age, you can stay relevant in the industry and help others recognize opportunities newly opened to them.
As a voice over artist specializing in mature and senior demographics, you need to recognize the wonderful life you have had and continue to appreciate. Both maturity and grace go hand-in-hand with making the most of life as a professional. Here are a few things to keep in mind while working on longevity in voice over.
Do What You Want to Do
It is never too late to make a change. Iris Fields knows this from experience. She had always wanted to try her hand at a voice over career, so she took a leap of faith and dove right in after working in real estate for years. Changing careers is one way we can all keep true to ourselves, which in turn keeps us feeling younger and happier. There is no reason not to act on your passion. Big changes can be scary, but they can also be exciting. When you spend your time the way you want, you won’t have any regrets.
Be Proud of What Makes You Unique
Every person is different. Don’t fall into a stereotypical role of how seniors are supposed to behave. If you are interested in a voice over career, be inspired by others in the industry, but cultivate your own distinctive voice and delivery. If you wish to focus on a mature and senior demographic, go for it!
Always keep in mind that change leads to growth, as does knowledge. Learning something new every day is good for the brain and the body. If you are just starting out, you’ll be amazed at what you can learn about the industry and yourself as an artist.
Longevity in Voice Over is Relevant and In Demand
The biggest audience for voice-activated technology is seniors. If you can interpret a script and breathe life into it, you can continue to have a significant impact on the industry, and the world around you. As a senior voice over artist, you don’t have to retire until you want to. If you are considering booking a cultured, styled voice for your next project, contact Iris today!